Something doesn’t seem right. Would the Zandes have accepted and circulated Z-bills if there was nothing in Bob Zimmerman’s store? Would they have asked Earl Dix to keep their

Francs for them to use later if they didn’t trust him? With total trust in the Veggie Lady, the veggie men at Rethy wanted their credit to remain with Ellen even if they didn’t know how much she wrote down? Were they fools?

Does anyone at all trust the 46th US President, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.? His plan is to pass yet another spending bill of 1.9 trillion and increase the debt still further. Does that make sense? Is there no credit limit?

There are many young people who don’t even carry cash. All have bank accounts, credit or debit cards plus the appropriate apps on their phones or watches. They can be recognized by simply looking into their device, placing a fingertip on the phone sensor, scanning a card or the display on the phone. Virtual currency exists in many countries and there are more and more stores who don’t even want to handle cash. They would rather have touchless payment.

It is getting more difficult for the merchants to get the coins needed to make change after cash purchases so they offer the “take a penny, leave a penny” option or just change the price. It costs the government more to mint and distribute nickels and pennies than they are worth. Maybe phasing out cash is logical, unless the electricity goes out.

Sweden is rapidly approaching a cashless society and has plans to go cashless in 2023.

Saving a treasure in Swedish krona under a mattress is certainly not the best way to prepare for the future in that country! Saving up the world’s treasures to live a long life of pleasure, when only God knows the future, is foolish.

Jesus told a parable in Luke that went something like this: The vast gardens of a certain rich Lendu farmer produced so much that he had far more than he needed. He thought and thought about how to save it all for himself.

He decided that he didn’t have nearly enough room to store all that maize, and besides he still had his large crop of beans spread out on canvases drying in the sunshine. He concluded that he would pull down his existing kingukus, and build larger ones in which to store all his maize and beans. He wouldn’t need to work for years to come and could eat and drink all the

malofu and kaikpo he liked and celebrate with his friends

Jesus concluded his parable in the Bible by saying, “But God said unto him, thou fool, this night your soul shall be required of you: then who’s shall those things be, which you have provided? So is he that stores up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” Luke 12:20 & 21

In Psalms 14:1, God says, “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God.”

We are certainly fools if we ignore God and live only for ourselves and the pleasures of this world. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and storing up treasure in heaven is the only option that makes any sense.

A fool named Mobutu accumulated all the dollars he could, bought lavish villas in a number of countries, and was said to be worth billions. He stored his money in Swiss Banks, the most secure places he could find. It was reported that he moved the money elsewhere when Swiss regulations were tightened. The year he lost power and died; speculation was rampant as to who would get his 15 billion dollars. His accounts were frozen.

The answer to “whose will all these things be?” still hasn’t been clarified with respect to

Mobutu’s money. His treasure was on earth and not of any value in Heaven.

Mat 6:19-21 “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

Mat 19:21 “Jesus said to the rich young ruler, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.”

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