Booklets are Better

I have begun publishing booklets on Kindle so you can read Paul’s Parables without having to log on to the internet or download the link.  Booklets are also available directly from me, the first ten are free.  See the illustrations on what is now available.

List of Booklets Available

This is a true story of a very proud man who ruled a very rich country and provided a rapidly devaluing currency in ever larger denominations. The people who lived there adapted in different ways, certainly not saving Mobutu’s Zaires. Who do we trust? Where is our treasure?

The broken barbed wire fence between my cow pasture and Lawi’s village corn patch proved to be an ineffective boundary for my cows on a moonlit night. When I tried to settle the problem, Lawi told me a story of the origin of two local tribes and refused payment. Do we refuse to accept those different than ourselves?

I went to buy a pony my grandkids could ride at our farm, but ended up buying the most beautiful half Arabian registered horse I had ever seen and agreed to his retirement program. I ended up being the servant of the magnificent horse I possessed. Do our possessions end up owning us? What is our retirement plan?

Chooks is just the Australian name for chickens. Free range roosters can become very possessive of their territory, fighting repeatedly any other rooster who challenges them. The strong desire to do whatever we want and have our own way, ends up being a battle against God. He is in charge of His creation.

When all is going well. we feel we have everything under control, but when God sends drought, locusts, or pestilence He also tells us what we need to do to heal our land. Our country has spent billions of dollars battling COVID 19 and provided every conceivable human solution. Have we humbled ourselves?

Love birds are thought to be the perfect demonstration of how a male and female should live together.  I thought I’d like to try again to provide a pair a perfect environment to lay and hatch their eggs.  This is the story of how the little birds related to each other and the mystery of where Scruffy came from.

These two men and their attitude towards something we call retirement is an example of humble faithfulness as they served to the very end. To amass funds sufficient for retirement was never their priority, in fact I wonder why we neglect to prepare at all for the life to come.

Every time I enjoy hearing what my grandkids call “Kack-kacks”, I’m reminded of the guinea fowl I hunted in Africa as a child. Then I had an opportunity to praise God with a Zande hunter, and now on my farm in New York, I am learning how to relate with my neighbor. Owe no man anything but to love one another.

Auntie Winnie uses the voice of a rooster to tell the story of the first Easter. His job is to crow every morning to say “WAKE UP, GOD’S PEOPLE! THE DARKNESS IS ENDING, THE DAYLIGHT IN NEAR!”. When Jesus is in the tomb he is too afraid to crow, but when He is again alive, he crows, THE DAYLIGHT IS HERE!

My desire is that the Bobwhite quail may once again be heard in this beautiful countryside that God has created. To flush a covey of quail should remind us that Christians are created with gifts to build up His church. It is not good to dwell alone and try to feed ourselves through the internet, but rather joyfully accept that we are not our own but are to be united in love to glorify Him.

These are just simple stories of some of the things my wife and I have seen and heard through the life He has given us together.  My prayer is to be faithful and glorify Him, freely sharing the booklets you choose and sending them to the address you share.  By email to or by mail to Paul & Ellen, 171 Weeks Road, Springfield Center, NY 13468. 

May we truly seek Him in His Word.

1 John 1:3 “That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ”.

Paul Brown

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